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GRHD: Implement error analysis output

Florian Atteneder requested to merge fa/grhd-err-analysis into main

Adds two new parameters:

  • variables0d_analysis_error: A list of variable names for which the error wrt the initial data values and computed as the L2 norm shall be computed. For each enqueued variable name a Output.variables0d entry is added which consists of the variable name and a _err_norm postfix. E.g. rho adds a 0d output rho_err_norm.
  • variables1d_analysis_error: Similar to variables0d_analysis_error, but instead of computing the L2 norm, the difference over the mesh is provided as an Output.variables1d entry with name equal to variable name plus _err postfix.

This is a rushed implementation, because I need that output now.

But this mechanism should be 1) partly factored out into the dg1d project, and 2) we should not need extra parameters. About 2): It should be enough to ask for rho_err or rho_err_norm in 1d or 0d output fields. Doing so would require us to reserve names ending with _err and _err_norm, but that should be fine.

Furthermore, we should rename the postfixes to something like _id_err and _id_err_l2, to make their nature more clear.

Merge request reports