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Implement 2d Euler equations & rework `@with_signature`

Florian Atteneder requested to merge feature/euler2d into main

Realized that the current @with_signature interface is not sufficient to conveniently operate with normal vectors in more than 1D and only seems to get in the way when working with numerical fluxes in 2d.

Because of that I started a rework: Move away from the Riemann solver interfaces where we are pretty strict in the sense of what method signatures a ApproxRiemannSolver demands (e.g. flux, speed must both accept the same number of variables, etc.) Instead, @with_signature now can use multiple @accepts statements where the variable names can be prefixed to disambiguate them in the body, e.g.

@with_signature function numflux(eq::EulerEquation2d)
   @accepts Prefix(lhs), rho, qx, qy, E
   @accepts Prefix(lhs), rho, qx, qy, E
   @accepts nx, ny
   # compute something
   @returns nflx_rho, nflx_qx, nflx_qy, nflx_E

translates to

function numflux(args1, args2, args3, eq::EulerEquation2d)
   ls_rho, lhs_qx, lhs_qy, lhs_E = args1
   rhs_rho, rhs_qx, rhs_qy, rhs_E = args2
   nx, ny = args3
   # compute something
   return nflx_rho, nflx_qx, nflx_qy, nflx_E

Doing it that way now requires the implementer of equations also write a function to compute numerical fluxes (which we probably wanted anyways for finer control). He must also be careful what he handles over to broadcast_faces!, broadcast_volume!, especially with broadcast_faces!, because we cut out the sanity checks from ApproxRiemannSolver.

But here are also benefits:

  1. Makes it traceable/convinient to implement 2d equations
  2. This new interface now allows to reuse previously cached results, e.g. form running broadcast_volume!(flux,...) before broadcast_faces!(llf_rho,...) (this was also possible before, but needed a work around with State(..) etc.
  3. (only tested with EulerEquation2d and the very simple implementation I had added in the first commit of this PR) the new interface provides a speed up in the RHS evaluation, likely because of the previous point
  4. We likely can remove the RiemannSolver interface for now
  5. Omplementation of broadcast_volume!, broadcast_faces! is simplified (at least it seemed so initially)
  6. In theory this system now allows to reduce the number of times we have to transverse the volume/faces for function evaluations, e.g. instead of going over all faces four times for the numerical flux of rho,qx,qy,E in EulerEquation2d, we can now implement one numflux function that does that at all at once. However, I soonish will hit the max tuple length limit (=32) for which inlining tuples will become costly. Will need to work around that with some kind of OnionTuples. I add a draft of that below.

Draft OnionTuples

using BenchmarkTools

const MAXLENGTH=32

struct OnionTuple{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}
  # TODO why not split this into rest and filled

  # rest::NTuple{Nrest,T}
  # filled::NTuple{Nfilled,NTuple{MAXLENGTH,T}}

  function OnionTuple(rest::NTuple{Nrest,T},filled::NTuple{MAXLENGTH,T}...) where {Nrest,T}
    Nfilled = length(filled)
    Ntotal = Nrest + Nfilled*MAXLENGTH
    @assert Nrest <= 32
    @assert 1 + Nfilled <= 32
    return new{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}((rest,filled...))
    # return new{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}(rest,filled)
  function OnionTuple(rest::NTuple{Nrest,T}) where {Nrest,T}
    Nfilled = 0
    Ntotal = Nrest
    @assert Nrest <= 32
    return new{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}((rest,))
    # return new{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}(rest,())

Base.length(tpl::OnionTuple{T,Ntotal}) where {T,Ntotal} = Int64(Ntotal)

# tuple unpacking
Base.indexed_iterate(o::OnionTuple, i::Int, state=1) = (@inline; (o[i], i+1))

# function index(Nfilled,Nrest,i)
#   if i <= Nfilled*MAXLENGTH
#     n = div(i,MAXLENGTH)
#     j = i % MAXLENGTH
#     j = j == 0 ? 1 : j
#     return (n,j)
#   else
#     return (0,i-Nfilled*MAXLENGTH)
#   end
# end

# function Base.getindex(tpl::OnionTuple{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}, i::Integer) where {T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}
#   n,j = index(Nfilled,Nrest,i)
#   if n == 0
#   else
#     tpl.filled[n][j]
#   end
# end

function Base.getindex(tpl::OnionTuple{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}, i::Integer) where {T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}
  n, j = if i <= Nfilled*MAXLENGTH
    ii = i-1
    n = div(ii,MAXLENGTH)+1+1
    j = (ii % MAXLENGTH)+1
    n, j
    1, i-Nfilled*MAXLENGTH
  return tpl.tpls[n][j]

# function Base.getindex(tpl::OnionTuple{T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}, i::Integer) where {T,Ntotal,Nrest,Nfilled}
#   # @assert 1 <= i <= Ntotal
#   # el = if i <= Nfilled*MAXLENGTH
#   #   n = div(i,MAXLENGTH)
#   #   j = i % MAXLENGTH
#   #   j = j == 0 ? 1 : j
#   #   @inbounds tpl.filled[n][j]
#   # else
#   #   @inbounds[i-Nfilled*MAXLENGTH]
#   # end
#   # return el
#   # return tpl.filled[i]
# end

# function compute_something(tpl::OnionTuple{Int64})
#   t1, t2, t3 = tpl[1], tpl[2], tpl[3]
#   return t1 + t2 + t3
# end

function kernel(tpls)
  tpl1, tpl2 = tpls
  a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20,a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a28,a29,a30,a31,a32 = tpl1
  a33, = tpl2
  r = a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8+a9+a10+
  # r = 10*a1
  return (r,)

function kernel(tpl::OnionTuple)
  a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20,a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a28,a29,a30,a31,a32,a33 = tpl
  # a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20,a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a28,a29,a30,a31,a32,a33 =
  #   tpl[1],tpl[2],tpl[3],tpl[4],tpl[5],tpl[6],tpl[7],tpl[8],tpl[9],tpl[10],tpl[11],tpl[12],tpl[13],tpl[14],tpl[15],tpl[16],tpl[17],tpl[18],tpl[19],tpl[20],tpl[21],tpl[22],tpl[23],tpl[24],tpl[25],tpl[26],tpl[27],tpl[28],tpl[29],tpl[30],tpl[31],tpl[32],tpl[33]
  r = a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8+a9+a10+
  # r = 10*a1
  return (r,)

N = 100
tpl1 = Tuple( randn() for _ = 1:MAXLENGTH )
tpl2 = Tuple( randn() for _ = 1:1 )
tpls = (tpl1,tpl2)
onion = OnionTuple(tpl2,tpl1)

b1 = @benchmark kernel($tpls)
b2 = @benchmark kernel($onion)

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